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Capital Reconciliation for the year ended 30 June 2023

Newcastle Greater Mutual Group Limited is the head of the Level 2 consolidated group to which prudential standard APS 330 Public Disclosure applies.

  Balance sheet per published audited financial statements Adjustments¹ Balance sheet under regulatory scope of consolidation Reference to Capital Disclosure Template

As at 30 June 2023


As at 30 June 2023


As at 30 June 2023


Cash and cash equivalents 1,002.0 (5.1) 996.9  
Prepayments and other receivables 16.0 (0.3) 15.7  
of which: capitalised expenses     14.8 26f
Derivative financial instruments 19.1 - 19.1  
Financial assets at amortised cost 3,313.5 (0.4) 3,313.1  
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 24.2 (21.7) 2.5  
of which: other national specific regulatory adjustments     1.3 26j
of which: equity investments in financial institutions     1.2 26d
Loans and advances 15,546.1 - 15,546.1  
of which: capitalised expenses     25.8 26f
of which: forward looking provisions for unidentified losses     (23.4) 50
Net deferred tax assets 46.1 - 46.1 26e
Intangible assets 2.9 - 2.9 26f
Property, plant and equipment 114.1 - 114.1  
Investment properties 2.1 - 2.1  
Total assets 20,086.0 (27.5) 20,058.6  
Payables 66.9 (1.5) 65.4  
Derivative financial instruments 9.3 - 9.3  
Deposits 16,519.1 - 16,519.1  
Borrowings 1,693.3 - 1,693.3  
of which: capitalised expenses     0.9 26f
Lease liability 35.2 - 35.2  
Current tax liabilities 0.5 - 0.5  
Provisions 32.3 - 32.3  
Total liabilities 18,356.7 (1.5) 18,355.2  
NET ASSETS 1,729.3 (26.0) 1,703.4  
Reserves 573.7 - 573.7  
of which: asset revaluation reserve     21.0 3
of which: cash flow hedge reserve     10.2 3,11
of which: general reserve     540.7 3
Retained profits 1,129.6 - 1,129.6 2
Non-controlling interest 26.0 (26.0) - 2
Total equity 1,729.3 (26.0) 1,703.4  


1. Adjustments - Entities Excluded from the Level 2 Regulatory Consolidated Group

These entities are included within the accounting consolidation but excluded from the regulatory consolidated group for capital purposes


Total Assets


Total Liabilities


Total Equity


Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation (A) 24.5 0.0 24.5
Greater Charitable Foundation (B) 3.0 1.5 1.5
Total 27.5 1.5 26.0

(A) Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation is a discretionary trust established and domiciled in Australia and is a community support fund established for the purpose of raising funds to be provided to other deductible gift recipients

(B) Greater Charitable Foundation is a discretionary trust established and domiciled in Australia and is a community support fund established for the purpose of raising funds to be provided to other deductible gift recipients

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